
Rhydypenau Primary School and NurseryYsgol Gynradd Rhydypenau a Feithrin

Aiming HighANelu’n Uchel

A Message from the Headteacher

A Letter of Welcome from the Headteacher
We are all very pleased to welcome you to Rhydypenau Primary School,
a school where we have high expectations of children and where we do our best to ensure that they are happy.
We work hard to nurture the artists and musicians, scientists, technicians and sporting achievers of the future, by striving to achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum. We also support our pupils in developing confidence and patience, tolerance and perseverance, as they develop into happy and successful citizens of the future.

Much of this work was documented within the last report published by the ESTYN inspection team in February 2018. Everyone associated with our school shares our pleasure and our pride in the way that inspectors recognised Rhydypenau as an excellent school, demonstrating outstanding practice. It is very encouraging to us all that the inspectors were able to report that: “The headteacher and other senior leaders provide strong and dynamic leadership.  This motivates and inspires all members of staff to work together to achieve the best possible standards of teaching, learning and levels of wellbeing for pupils.”


We were delighted too by the recognition given to our work as a pioneer school,

“The school is a creative learning organisation where staff and pupils are secure enough to take risks, make mistakes and experiment to develop learning in a highly supportive environment.  All staff understand their roles and responsibilities within a cohesive and close team, where innovation is valued, for example in the development of a child-centred and engaging curriculum that motivates and enthuses nearly all pupils.  At the heart of this, pupils’ ideas and interests inform and shape topic work in all year groups.”


We know that our success starts with the children and the families we serve, extending to all adults who work for our school. Our pupils are confident learners who are encouraged to believe in themselves, recognising and harnessing the support of their parents and teachers.


Working in partnership with parents, we aim to offer wide-ranging opportunities to further children's academic, personal and social development. We seek, wherever possible, to involve you as parents in the life and work of the school and to keep you well informed about your child’s progress.

I sincerely hope that when your child joins us at Rhydypenau, this will be the beginning of a long and happy relationship with our school.


Nicola Hammond




